Governance Structure

Established in 2019 by the Senior Leadership Team, and chaired by Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Tim Thornton, the Climate Emergency Steering Group includes representation from key stakeholders in sustainability at the University including: 

  • Huddersfield Students’ Union - Communities Officer ex officio
  • Pro-Vice Chancellor of Teaching and Learning - Prof. Jane Owen-Lynch
  • Dean of the Huddersfield Business School - Prof. Jill Johnes
  • Estates and Facilitates Director of service - Tim Hosker
  • Sustainability Manager- Ben Onyido (Estates and Facilitates Directorate)
  • Energy Manager- Philip Tower (Estates and Facilitates Directorate)
  • School of Applied Sciences (Climate Change Research) - Dr Byongjun (Phil) Hwang) Geophysicist and remote sensing specialist
  • Professional Services including Marketing 

The Carbon Emergency Steering Group provides guidance to both the University's Senior Leadership Group on day-to-day operations, and to University Council which is the principal decision-making body at the University

University Council oversees the delivery of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy and Net Zero Strategy: A Ten Point Plan for the Planet.

View the full structure here Sustainability governance


The Sustainability Team 

Based in Estates and Facilities, the Sustainability Team centrally supports the delivery of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy and Net Zero Strategy: A Ten Point Plan for the Planet. With support from colleagues based both within Estates and facilities, and the wider University Community, the Sustainability Team works on a variety of areas including: 

  • Carbon, Energy and Water 
  • Travel 
  • Waste and Recycling 
  • Biodiversity 
  • Catering 
  • Sustainable Cleaning 
  • Procurement 
  • Engagement and Communications 

Sustainability Contacts

To report practical campus issues relating to energy, water or waste management - email

General sustainability information - email

Ben Onyido

Sustainability Manager (Estates and Facilities) Responsible for managing the Sustainability Team and delivery of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy and Net Zero Strategy: A Ten Point Plan for the Planet. 01484 257531

Philip Tower

Energy Manager (Estates and Facilities) Responsible for Carbon, Energy and Water Management 01484 258818

Emily Rye

Environmental Coordinator (Estates and Facilities) Responsible for Sustainable Travel, Waste and Recycling, Sustainable Food and Fairtrade, Sustainability Communications and Green Projects  01484 256498

Lucy Goulding

Environmental Coordinator (Estates and Facilities) Responsible for Sustainable Travel, Waste and Recycling, Sustainable Food and Fairtrade, Sustainability Communications and Green Projects 01484 256501

Sally Hobson

Campus Support Manager (Estates and Facilities)

Waste and Recycling, Sustainable furniture and Campus Grounds Management 01484 258505

Allan Butters

Assistant Campus Support Manager (Estates and Facilities)

Waste and Recycling, Sustainable furniture and Campus Grounds Management 01484 258021

Julian Hirst

Car Parking Attendant (Estates and Facilities)

Overseeing the car parking facilities on campus  

Barry Curran

Groundskeeper (Estates and Facilities)

Maintaining the landscaping, grounds and garden areas on campus  


Based in the Students Union

Matt Short

Head of Operations and Deputy CEO (Students' Union) 

Head of Operations and Deputy CEO (Students' Union) - Senior Students' Union staff member responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Union's Environmental Sustainability Policy and Chair of the Union's Sustainability Committee.




Dawoud Shah

Sustainability Projects Assistant (Students' Union)

Student Staff member delivering events, driving student engagement in environmental issues and gathering information that supports the Union's submission for a Green Impact Award.