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It’s difficult balancing exams, revision and coursework deadlines. Family and friends can be supportive at this busy time of year. Remember, revision is more than reading.
Drowning in your books or simply don’t know where to start with your revision? You’re not alone. We’re here to help with some extra study tips as well as advice on how to do your best in your exams.
It’s worth taking time out to prepare a revision timetable and give yourself frequent breaks, as well as small ‘treats’ along the way to give you incentives.
Everyone has a different style of revising, so pick and choose what’s right for you; try out some of these different ways to take notes and to test yourself before your exams:
To keep on track and organised with study plans follow the extra tips below.
Faced with your exam questions you may experience your nerves are running away with you. There are a number of things you can do to stay calm.
There is always help round the corner – make use of the resources available to you at the University.
How to get organised and make sure you've done everything you can in order to feel ready for your exam.
We offer a series of support services at the University which are there when you need them:
For more information about our services visit the 'Supporting you through your journey' webpages. For a complete checklist of revision and exam tips please download our Revision and exam tips postcard.